• District Track & Field Meet, SD60

    Some of our students participated in the district track meet on Friday.  Congratulations to all students who participated and represented our school!  Here is a link to some local media coverage of the event:

  • Track & Field

    Track and Field practices begin on Monday, May. 4th.  The district track meet will be held on Friday, June 5th at the Pomeroy Sports Centre.
    Please see the practice schedule and try-out information below:

  • Badminton Tournament Info

    All badminton players will be taking home a letter today indicating their playing times for the upcoming tournament on April 30/May 1st.
    The tournament schedule at NPSS is as follows:

    Thursday, April. 30th: Mixed Doubles 3:30 until approximately 6:30pm.  

  • Gr. 5/6 Badminton

    Practice Schedule:

    The Elementary Badminton Tournament will be held on April 30th and May 1st.  Information on this tournament will be going home with players prior to this event.

  • Upcoming Basketball Games

    All Home Games will begin at 3pm in our school gym.
    Boys A Team:
    Thurs, Jan. 22 Finch vs. Upper Pine, at CM Finch Gym
    Thurs, Jan. 29 Finch vs. Robert Ogilvie, at CM Finch Gym

  • Volleyball Practice Schedule

    Oct/Nov 2014   Practice schedule for this Volleyball season
    A schedule of upcoming games can be found on the consent form and will be posted on this website in the coming days. Please remember to return your signed consent forms to the office.